I had nothing to sell, was not intending to interrupt anyone or take up any time, and just wanted to let people know that thinking of them makes me smile. However, what happened today was so much more than I anticipated! My first stop happened to be in the middle of a meeting that had sequestered everyone in the office except for one person who I had met before, but had not had an opportunity to work with directly. After a five minute conversation and an offer to take her out to coffee next week so we could continue to chat, she walked me out to my car and told me that I had been sent by the Universe to answer a question she had been struggling with, and that she suddenly felt free to enjoy her weekend.
My second stop was to a supplier who was entertaining a customer in her store, and I honestly tried to be clandestine but ended up getting absorbed into their conversation. We exchanged introductions, and I had to go back to the car to get a business card so we could connect. Three of the people I stopped to see were out for the day, but those instances allowed me to meet new people within their organizations who were quite excited about the flowers they now got to deliver to colleagues on my behalf. Some of my gifts were left with receptionists to deliver, which resulted in several gracious emails and phone calls.
In addition to brightening the desks of my clients, partners and mentors, I was able to introduce myself and my services to new people in a natural way that didn't feel the slightest bit sales-y. And everyone I interacted with was in a great mood! What started out as me wearing my heart on my sleeve and expressing my gratitude turned into a very productive day of networking. It is truly amazing what can happen when you stop thinking about what you need, and consider what you can give(or give back) to others who have shown you kindness.