I had an epiphany this week that has motivated me through several tasks, which I want to share: Done is better than perfect!
Pareto's principle tells us that 80% of our results are produced by 20% of our efforts. So within that 20% of effort, what is the difference between almost-perfect, and almost-almost perfect? For me, quite a bit of time and
procrastination - not necessarily improvement. I don't think of myself as a perfectionist, since I don't really ever think there is a state of 'perfect.' I do constantly doubt the done-ness of my work - and am always trying to raise the bar, thought - maybe there's a bit of perfectionism in there somewhere, driving me crazy.
This week I've been working on learning to back off and be satisfied
with the second or third draft, as opposed to tweaking and
re-tweaking and waiting until the morning to re-read and re-tweak.
Done is much better than perfect! It's a bit nerve-wracking for me, but the relief of being able to check the task off of my list is so much better than the weight of having it continue to hang over my head.
So for now, I'm adopting the mantra, and we'll see if it continues to drive forward momentum.