December 6, 2008
Travis Loves Heather!
Home Sweet Home
October 17-19
I got to fly home for the weekend between the first module and Career Week. It was a very mixed experience for me. First of all, it was a phenomenal weekend to be in Boulder. The aspens were gold and the ash were bright red, and the sun was brilliant. I was able to see a lot of friends and family that I have been missing, and after the previous week's frenzy to complete so much coursework, it was good to be able to catch up on sleep in my own bed.
I received an email that weekend informing me that I had not been nominated for the module in Monterrey, Mexco that I applied for. This was particularly disappointing because the opportunities to study abroad and be exposed to Thunderbird's international relationships is the reason I chose Thunderbird over traditional MBA programs closer to home. Being home and being confronted with all of the things I have sacrificed to pursue this program, and then realizing that I am not going to be able to participate in everything I wanted to was extremely difficult for me. Existing in a state of perpetual physical and emotional exhaustion is a lot to overcome, especially with no light at the end of the tunnel.
Everything at the house was so comfortably familiar, and I was ecstatic to see Bosco! He was hilarious, every time he saw me he would do a double-take and get excited all over again. It was heart-warming to see that he recognized me and missed me as much as I miss seeing him everyday.
At the end of the weekend, I said goodbye to Brian, and Max flew back to Phoenix with me. I had a few workshops here and there throughout Career Week, but for the most part I was able to relax. Max needed to see Jack and Lisa before he left the country, so we took a day and drove up to Jerome. It is so pleasant up there, I love being able to get away and retreat from this hectic world I live in. We had a lovely visit with them, and then returned to Glendale...
October 12, 2008
Stop This Train...
October 1, 2008
You Brighten Up For Me All of My Days
September 24, 2008
Three years and counting...
August 24, 2008
Orientation started yesterday, with a mass meeting and introductions of the student leaders. Then we broke into our cohort groups with whom we are blocked into classes for the first term. There are eight groups total, which are all named after a "desert animal," but I wasn't aware that there are Broncos and Mustangs in the desert... I am a Scorpion, paired with the Tarantulas in the Arachnid group. Before they fed us pizza we had to participate in the ThunderHunt, which was trivia-based exercize that sent us all around the campus taking pictures in various locations. It would have been more fun perhaps, if I hadn't been around campus for a couple of weeks already, or it was cooler than 109 outside.
We finally finished the race after about an hour, and surprisingly we came in third! It was quite a relief to be released. My roomate Kristin is a Falcon, and she was about as tired as I was so we went home and hung out. I'm really glad I am not the only nerd who prefers my pajamas to the ThunderPub on a Saturday night! She is great and I think we will get along really well.
Everything is Thundered around here, to the point of being quite ridiculous. It's kind of witty sometimes, but all of the titles and nicknames and places amuse me. For example, you can go to the ThunderShop to get a Thundershirt to wear to the Thunderlympics on Friday, which is the warm-up for ThunderIdol. After the talent show you can go to the ThunderLab and log into your T-Bird account and do some online ThunderStalking while you are browsing resumes looking for ThunderLove. This, of course, is only a viable activity for ThunderSingles. Myself, being an espoused student, will visit the ThunderGym to work off the ThunderSlices and ThunderBurgers they fed us for dinner. Then I might go check out the ThunderKids' pee-wee soccer game on my way back to the apartment.
All in all, last week was pretty good. I made some friends with people who I will not have classes with, which I decided is a good thing because after I am sick of my classmates I will have other people to hang out with! I am comfortable with the area now, and have found a local strip of decent restauraunts that should keep us occupied for a while. I am missing my ThunderSpouse and my ThunderPet and wishing I was at home to help with all of the crazy construction and cosmetic repairs. Hope things are well in your world! Hopefully I will be posting some pictures this week.
August 11, 2008
Too Hot to Samba
I have pretty much lost my attention span. I did really well for the first three hours, and when the break came around I had not been thinking about it. Then, we had two more hours till lunch, and about a half-hour in I started thinking about food and could NOT concentrate about the amortization schedule of Home Depot's 2006 Balance Sheet. So the afternoon was fairly excruciating as well. Then the ten minute walk back to the apartment(I'm not exaggerating - it's a ten minute walk across the street and around campus to get to the lecture hall - but in 108 it feels like a half-hour!) all I could think about was a nap!
Two triumphs today: I figured out how to program the VCR, and I must have absorbed something today because I am already done with my homework! I met two girls from Boulder. One is older and only grew up there - she's been in South America and on the East coast since she graduated from Boulder High. The other one, however, moved down here from The Summit, where Jay and Angie used to live across the street from us. How random!
After the sun goes down I am planning to sneak out for a dip in the pool. It's not as warm as I remember them being, so hopefully it will be refreshing enough.
Hope all is well wherever you may be.
Many the Miles...
We stopped in Jerome, to visit Aunt Lisa and Uncle Jack. We had pretty good timing, pulling in as they were getting closed up for the day. We had a wonderful evening with them, enjoying a bit of rain and some cool temperatures. What a nice weekend retreat from the desert!
Saturday we had a liesurely breakfast and got back in the car to drive to Phoenix. The apartment complex I am staying in was not ready for me at all. They had not prepared any paperwork, and even with two different prospective residents on the phone all week, were unaware of our situation as roomates looking for a five-month lease. It took about an hour, but I got keys. It's not bad - we'll certainly be comfortable for the term.
We unloaded the car in about 15 minutes, and then set out to get the essentials - dish soap, toilet paper, water, etc. Brian had the genius idea to raid the Dollar Tree - we spent about $60 and I was pretty set aside from stuff to go in the fridge! He spent the next few hours trying to convince me I needed to buy a futon, so we shopped for furniture. I did find a lamp and a table and a "desk" that really only fits my laptop. But with my little air mattress, my bedroom is sparse but comfy.
Sunday was hard. We got to sleep in for a bit, and then get to know the neighborhood some more. Then I had to take Brian to the airport, which was not fun. After he made it through security I set out to find a financial calculator for class, and drove around for about an hour looking for an office supply store. No dice, but I definitely have my bearings now!
Thanks for all the calls and emails! It's so nice of you to think about us. I'll let you know how class goes - Mon-Fri 8:30-5:30, phew! Hope I make it...
July 31, 2008
T minus SEVEN days!
But, it is time to close this chapter and move forward, and I can only giggle at the irony in the fact that we are ALMOST finished with the construction at this juncture. Trying to finish up the transition at work has been a challenge, and working on nailing down details about moving next weekend has been defeating. But Brian has been continually encouraging and is ready to check out the campus where I will be spending all of my time. Colorado has been priming us for Arizona with our recent heat wave, which is supposed to continue this weekend!
I hope to keep in touch, and appreciate your thoughts as we embark on the journey. We will be driving all day Friday, and Brian will fly home on Sunday evening. Then, it's off to Economics Bootcamp for me on Monday...